
One In Love and Light:

A sharing of empowering spiritual themes, practices, guidance, messages, books, affirmations and more…

As spiritual beings, we are always being guided, and we believe it’s no coincidence that you have found your way to our page…

We are Scott Elliott and Faith Lavender, and we are profoundly grateful for each soul like you that is consciously engaging their own unique spiritual path… Know that wherever you are on that path, you are in the right place at the right time, and we honor you where you stand…

All that we share on this website is a reflection of the wisdom that has come from more than twenty five years of being devoted to our spiritual paths. It is a representation of all that has become sacred, meaningful and true for us as teachers, counselors, healers and more…

We endeavor to live our lives in true daily alignment with God and our inner divine. This is the compass that guides our thoughts, words and actions, and inspires to be in service to others. In all that we do, our intention is to offer Light to those who are seeking, helping them engage their own Divine nature and empowering them to discover a more joyful, loving, authentic, reverent way of living life in collaboration with God, the angels and the holy Divine…

One only has to look around at the world to see that we are at a great crossroads as human beings and as a living planetary consciousness. In these changing times, many are feeling separated from their divinity, lost in the illusion of who we are not, and further separating themselves from their true inner divine nature and connection with God…

Our next steps as stewards of the earth are crucial to the well being of all life on this planet, as well as the direction of our human evolution…

And that evolution, it’s not about the illusion of power, or what we create materially. It’s not about fame, or intellectual achievement. These are only a backdrop for the tempering of our souls. It’s about evolving to a point where we in our humanness are more fully embodying our divine nature as loving, caring beings who have the honor of sharing this magnificent world from that point of expression.

Only from this place of oneness with the holy divine will we enable ourselves to join together into a peaceful thriving global community that honors ALL life equally, with love and integrity, kindness and generously…


All that we share on this website is a reflection of the wisdom that has come from more than twenty five years of being devoted to our spiritual paths. It is a representation of all that has become sacred, meaningful and true for us as teachers, counselors, healers and more…

We endeavor to live our lives in true daily alignment with God and our inner divine. This is the compass that guides our thoughts, words and actions, and inspires to be in service to others. In all that we do, our intention is to offer Light to those who are seeking, helping them engage their own Divine nature and empowering them to discover a more joyful, loving, authentic, reverent way of living life in collaboration with God, the angels and the holy Divine…

One only has to look around at the world to see that we are at a great crossroads as human beings and as a living planetary consciousness. In these changing times, many are feeling separated from their divinity, lost in the illusion of who we are not, and further separating themselves from their true inner divine nature and connection with God…

Our next steps as stewards of the earth are crucial to the well being of all life on this planet, as well as the direction of our human evolution…

And that evolution, it’s not about the illusion of power, or what we create materially. It’s not about fame, or intellectual achievement. These are only a backdrop for the tempering of our souls. It’s about evolving to a point where we in our humanness are more fully embodying our divine nature as loving, caring beings who have the honor of sharing this magnificent world from that point of expression.

Only from this place of oneness with the holy divine will we enable ourselves to join together into a peaceful thriving global community that honors ALL life equally, with love and integrity, kindness and generously…

…some other random text
… some random text …