The Process/Shamanic Journeying

The Process is a healing modality that blends Shamanic journeying, soul retrieval, and in a sense, psychotherapy, all into one. Through guided meditation, it accesses the deepest levels of our unconscious mind, uncovering hidden, or suppressed issues, which allows us to identify and begin healing the blocks in our lives and in our relationships at their root level.
Note: This sometimes will take a client back into other lifetimes, or even other spheres of consciousness.

One of the most powerful, important and sacred components of “The Process,” is that your journey into discovery, and healing, is all done with the guidance and accompaniment of God/The Divine Spirit of Love; the clients Higher Self, their angels and spiritual guides. This is essential because all true and lasting healing is accomplished by re-empowering the real you from within on a spiritual level in order to bring healing and awareness to the human mind and body.

Where did the process originate?
The Process was created by our dear friend, Alan Ginsberg. Alan has spent most of his life dedicated to a spiritual path, for the purpose of awakening and bringing that same God realization to others. Over the years, he came to personally know and be taught by many great gurus and masters such as Yogi Bhajan, and Swami Vishnu (Vishnudevananda Saraswati) In addition to holding a degree in psychotherapy, at one time he was one of Boston’s most sought after acupuncturist, treating thousands of clients. Several years ago he said a prayer to Spirit, asking that he be shown how to incorporate all that he had been taught and all the wisdom he had acquired into one healing modality. What Spirit shared with him he calls, “The Process”.