Whisperings I
Whisperings I

Whisperings I is intended to assist one who has more recently begun a conscious spiritual journey. The illuminating messages help one build a foundation of understanding, broadening their awareness and empowering them as an evolving soul.
The messages in the Whisperings book series are offered to help those who are seeking a greater awareness. Through divine grace they not only enlighten one on a spiritual path, but empower and inspire us as divine beings lost in the illusion of our humanness. It has been said that the messages in the Whispering underscore the actual teachings of Jesus and other great masters, revealing to us who we really are, why we are here, and how we are actually co-creators with God of our own evolution, as people, as spirits and as a world consciousness.
When one reads from them, it quickly becomes evident that they are not contrary to any religion, nor postulating one. They are merely enlightening revelations that guide us when we are seeking.
Each of the beautiful messages were conveyed through Scott by the divine; God, Jesus, angels, masters, Spirit guides and more… Each book in the series brings more enlightening, empowering and sometimes even prophetic guidance to one who is walking a spiritual path…
To receive your message from the Whisperings, simply hold the book in your hands and bring yourself into a state of connection with the divine either through prayer or meditation. Then simply ask for the enlightenment that will serve your highest good, in and of the Light of God. Relax, letting go any other thoughts, and when you are ready, randomly open the book.
Take from the Whisperings that which truly speaks to your heart and know that what has been shared with you comes in and of the Light of Love.