
One In Love and Light

Welcome to our One in Love and Light webpage!

As spiritual beings, we are always being guided, and we believe it’s no coincidence that you have found your way to our page. Know that wherever you are on that path, you are in the right place at the right time, and we honor you where you stand…

We are Scott Elliott and Faith Lavender, and we are profoundly grateful for each person like you who is consciously engaging their own unique spiritual path…

We endeavor to live our lives in true daily alignment with God and our inner divine. This is the compass that guides our thoughts, words and actions, and inspires to be in service to others. All that we share on this website is a reflection of the wisdom that has come from more than twenty five years of being devoted to our spiritual paths. It is a representation of all that has become sacred, meaningful and true for us as teachers, counselors, healers and more…

In all that we do, our intention is to offer Light to those who are seeking, helping them engage their own Divine nature and empowering them to discover a more joyful, loving, authentic, reverent way of living life in collaboration with God, the angels and the holy Divine…


Our Mission / Intention

Spiritually awakening is like the lighting of an eternal flame. It is and always will be shining though us raising the vibration here on earth. Scott and Faith are spiritual way-showers, teachers, healers, Light Bearer’s that have dedicated over 25years of there lives to walking a spiritual path… In their words, “Our mission in life, is sharing the wisdom and knowledge that has come from having followed this path, empowering others who are seeking to move into a more spiritually awakened state of being and experiencing life.

When we do this, it raises our vibration and reveals the wisdom that guides our choices. It lights our pathway to being more fully connecting with the divine within and without, aligning us as we move through life with the vibrations of love and kindness, with peace and humility… This is where we are in alignment with God, with Jesus and the angelic realm, with ascended masters and spirit guides, all who watch over us and inspire us from that perspective.

Everything we convey from our coaching, in our teachings and in our healing work is in alignment with this philosophy.



One In Love and Light on Facebook

One only has to look around at the world to see that we are at a great crossroads as human beings and as a living planetary consciousness. In these changing times, many are feeling separated from their divinity, lost in the illusion of who we are not, and further separating themselves from their true inner divine nature and connection with God…

Our next steps as stewards of the earth are crucial to the well-being of all life on this planet, as well as the direction of our human evolution…

And that evolution is not just about advancing technologically, or what we create materially. It’s not about fame, or intellectual achievement. These are only a backdrop for the tempering of our souls in a world created for that purpose. Our true evolution is about coming to a point where we in our humanness are more fully embodying our divine nature as loving, caring beings who have the honor of sharing this magnificent world from that point of expression.

Only from this place of oneness with the holy divine will we enable ourselves to truly join together into a peaceful thriving global community that honors ALL life equally, with love and integrity, kindness and generously…


About Scott

In the late nineties Scott left the business world to answer a spiritual calling. In time the wisdom of having traveled such a path led him to become known by many as a spiritual way-shower and also sought after as a healer and spiritual coach/counselor. He has written four books under the pen name Scott Elliott and continues to host spiritual workshops and meditation groups as well as maintaining an active Interfaith ministry performing weddings, memorials/funerals and baby blessings.

After a successful career in aviation, at forty two years old, Scott was at a life altering crossroads. His life was unraveling in bankruptcy and divorce, and at the doorstep, a young loved one was losing their life to leukemia…


About Faith

Faith’s studies in the field of Holistic Healing began in the late 1980’s when she felt a calling to a spiritual path in life. Over the course of the next ten years, as she engaged this path, she was trained in a multitude of modalities, beginning with training by Megan Greywolf in the art of Native American Shield making and interpretation. She then went on to become a licensed massage therapist when her path also led her to the healing modality known as Reiki. Over time she became a practitioner at levels I, II, and III and on to becoming a Reiki Master Teacher herself, attuning a multitude of new Reiki practitioners.

In the early 2000’s she felt drawn to broaden her spiritual path and attended The New Seminary of Interfaith Studies founded by Rabi Gelberman where she became ordained at St. John The Divine as an Interfaith minister. She then went on to attend the Stillpoint Institute in Advanced Intuitive Healing with Meredith Showers Young. And on to being certified as a “Oneness blessing,” practitioner. From 2012 to present as she continued living a life as what some would call a Light Bearer, she began in depth studies in the science of sound and vibrational healing and now offers this additional healing modality in private and group sessions.


Reviews on Scott’s Books

I haven’t even finished this amazing TRUE story and I’m blown away at the similarities and doubts that plague the human mind and body. I thought I was losing my mind with worry, self-doubt, crippling anxiety and all of the other ailments that are borne of fear and stress… not to mention the acuteness of all of my senses. Scott’s journey validated my own in many ways through his inner dialogue and repeated encounters with the spiritual world of Energy and Light. This is the first book I’ve ever purchased for myself in terms of learning about my empathic gifts and I truly feel relieved that I’m not the only one going through this awakening. This book can truly help all of our struggling empaths.

Are you a spiritual person? Do you help others on their spiritual path? Then you MUST read and share this powerful book. The Author takes you through his spiritual journey of discovery and connection with the Holy Divine who guide and watch over us. His story telling is captivating… very well written and hard to put down. You will enjoy the powerful story of spiritual growth and ..well ? AWAKENING
