
Our Mission / Intention

Scott and Faith are spiritual way-showers, teachers, healers, facilitators, Light Bearer’s if you will… This is not something that happened over night, but rather something that unfolded over the course of more than twenty five years as they each dedicated their lives to walking their respective spiritual paths…

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One In Love and Light on Facebook

Quisque lectus neque, condimentum ut sapien non, bibendum laoreet elit. Cras lacus odio, dignissim vel fringilla eu, tristique id dolor. In vitae mi ut sem feugiat pretium eget at tellus. Nullam gravida mauris quam, sed commodo metus iaculis ut. Vivamus vel justo dapibus, auctor ex vel, rhoncus libero. Cras ut mi molestie, fringilla risus ut, aliquet mi. Praesent eget nibh nisl. Integer ex erat, cursus et vulputate vitae, tristique id quam. Nulla tellus massa, placerat a mattis a, bibendum vel massa.

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About Scott

Since Scott was just a child, he experienced what some would call the gift of clairvoyance. He’d have naturally occurring intuitive insights, and an awareness of ghosts and realms beyond the physical. Because of this awareness, as he grew up he’d wonder, why wasn’t anyone talking about a more expanded view of life? Why was all religious belief based on ancient text with current day skewed interpretations?

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About Faith

Faith’s studies in the field of Holistic Healing began in the late 1980’s when she felt a calling to a spiritual path in life. Over the course of the next ten years, as she engaged this path, she was trained in a multitude of modalities, beginning with training by Megan Greywolf in the art of Native American Shield making and interpretation. She then went on to become a licensed massage therapist when her path also led her to the healing modality known as Reiki.

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Reviews on Scott's Books

I haven't even finished this amazing TRUE story and I'm blown away at the similarities and doubts that plague the human mind and body. I thought I was losing my mind with worry, self-doubt, crippling anxiety and all of the other ailments that are borne of fear and stress...

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Spiritual Books By Scott Elliott

Whisperings I

Whisperings, are guiding messages from the Divine which were conveyed by Scott Elliott. When one reads from them, it becomes obvious that they are not contrary to any religion, nor postulating one, but that they are merely supplemental revelations spoken...


Whisperings II

The Whisperings books are not a read, but by divine design, a tool intended to offer enlightening guidance when we are seeking along our individual and collective spiritual paths. They were conveyed through Scott K Elliott by the divine; God, angels, masters, Spirit guides...



"Awakening,” A captivating real–life story about a seemingly ordinary man who one day finds himself at the center of a far from ordinary experience.

Bankruptcy, divorce and the death of a dear loved one are looming on the horizon of Scott’s life...